Thursday 1 March 2018

Family Day Out: Yeadon Tarn

For a while now we've talked about getting out as a family to go on walks and see some of our beautiful surroundings. Neither Keith or I are from Yorkshire, so there's plenty to discover and it's so important to take time out to just be and spend time as a family. Our little boy Tommy loves being outside and the fresh air really gives me a new lease of life.

But with our lives being so busy and Keith working such long hours during the week, we've found it hard to stop what we're doing and just go. There's always a million jobs that need to be done at the weekend, that there never seems enough time to just enjoy ourselves. But our little ones won't be little for long, so now's the time to enjoy the time together.

A number of times we've said we'd make Sunday afternoons our time to get out and go for a walk. But by time we're home from church all we want to do is chill out and relax on the sofa. Last week I was determined we wouldn't do the same and we would actually get out. So we packed a lunch and change of clothes so we could go straight from finishing church. I chose an easy walk to start with, a path around a tarn. I'd done it before but not with Keith and I knew Tommy could get out of the pushchair and enjoy his surroundings. The place is called Yeadon Tarn.

So here's photos from our first, but hopefully not our last, family walk on a Sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to discovering some of the beautiful places that surround us here in Yorkshire.

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